We have data on 152 companies that use Templafy. The companies using Templafy are most often found in United States and in the Information Technology and Services industry. Templafy is most often used by companies with >10000 employees and >1000M dollars in revenue. Our data for Templafy usage goes back as far as 7 years and 6 months.
If you’re interested in the companies that use Templafy, you may want to check out Google Apps and Microsoft Office 365 as well.
Company | Propel Insurance |
Website | propelinsurance.com |
Country | United States |
Revenue | 200M-1000M |
Company Size | 500-1000 |
Company | HP Development Company, L.P. |
Website | hp.com |
Country | United States |
Revenue | >1000M |
Company Size | >10000 |
Company | Ernst & Young Global Limited |
Website | ey.com |
Country | United States |
Revenue | >1000M |
Company Size | >10000 |
Company | Kamsa, Inc. |
Website | kamsainc.com |
Country | United States |
Revenue | 0M-1M |
Company Size | 10-50 |
Company | Liaison |
Website | liaisoncreative.com |
Country | United States |
Revenue | 10M-50M |
Company Size | 50-200 |
Company | Website | Country | Revenue | Company Size |
Propel Insurance | propelinsurance.com | United States | 200M-1000M | 500-1000 |
HP Development Company, L.P. | hp.com | United States | >1000M | >10000 |
Ernst & Young Global Limited | ey.com | United States | >1000M | >10000 |
Kamsa, Inc. | kamsainc.com | United States | 0M-1M | 10-50 |
Liaison | liaisoncreative.com | United States | 10M-50M | 50-200 |
We use the best indexing techniques combined with advanced data science to monitor the market share of over 15,000 technology products, including Office Productivity. By scanning billions of public documents, we are able to collect deep insights on every company, with over 100 data fields per company at an average. In the Office Productivity category, Templafy has a market share of about 0.1%. Other major and competing products in this category include:
Templafy integrates with the office suites used by companies every day, to bring custom company templates, brand assets and best practice content together directly inside any office application, streamlining how users build or rebuild files. Accessed from the cloud and available on all platforms and devices, Templafy ensures users get more done with their workday, with less frustration. Templafy is the simple way to manage and share company templates. On-brand, compliant and personalized for each employee. It's an enterprise solution that won't gather dust.
Looking at Templafy customers by industry, we find that Information Technology and Services (8%), Financial Services (7%) and Computer Software (5%) are the largest segments.
36% of Templafy customers are in United States, 22% are in Denmark, 10% are in Netherlands and 9% are in United Kingdom.
Of all the customers that are using Templafy, 17% are small (<50 employees), 34% are medium-sized and 43% are large (>1000 employees).
Of all the customers that are using Templafy, a majority (50%) are large (>$1000M), 28% are small (<$50M) and 14% are medium-sized.