We have data on 62 companies that use OneCNC. The companies using OneCNC are most often found in United States and in the Machinery industry. OneCNC is most often used by companies with 10-50 employees and 1M-10M dollars in revenue. Our data for OneCNC usage goes back as far as 1 years and 6 months.
If you’re interested in the companies that use OneCNC, you may want to check out Autodesk AutoCAD and Dassault SolidWorks as well.
Company | NCA Corporation |
Website | ncacorporation.ro |
Country | Romania |
Revenue | 0M-1M |
Company Size | 1-10 |
Website | formulatrix.com |
Country | United States |
Revenue | 100M-200M |
Company Size | 500-1000 |
Company | Louisiana Delta Community College |
Website | ladelta.edu |
Country | United States |
Revenue | 10M-50M |
Company Size | 200-500 |
Company | Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges |
Website | agb.org |
Country | United States |
Revenue | 10M-50M |
Company Size | 50-200 |
Company | Newell |
Website | newellcorp.com |
Country | United States |
Revenue | 1M-10M |
Company Size | 50-200 |
Company | Website | Country | Revenue | Company Size |
NCA Corporation | ncacorporation.ro | Romania | 0M-1M | 1-10 |
FORMULATRIX | formulatrix.com | United States | 100M-200M | 500-1000 |
Louisiana Delta Community College | ladelta.edu | United States | 10M-50M | 200-500 |
Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges | agb.org | United States | 10M-50M | 50-200 |
Newell | newellcorp.com | United States | 1M-10M | 50-200 |
We use the best indexing techniques combined with advanced data science to monitor the market share of over 15,000 technology products, including Computer-aided Design & Engineering. By scanning billions of public documents, we are able to collect deep insights on every company, with over 100 data fields per company at an average. In the Computer-aided Design & Engineering category, OneCNC has a market share of about 0.1%. Other major and competing products in this category include:
OneCNC is a CAD (Computer-aided design)/CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) software for NC part programming. Its products are OneCNC Mill, OneCNC Lathe, OneCNC Profiler, OneCNC Wire EDM, OneCNC Solid Design. OneCNC Mill offers a complete range of solutions to produce parts from 2D/3D to multi-axis. OneCNC Lathe provides a set of tools ready for programming from creating a wire frame or solid model with the ability to import CAD models right through to the completed turned part. OneCNC CAD/CAM Profiler is a complete standalone design and manufacturing solution. This includes complete CAD integrated with the CAM to create the parts for cutting. OneCNC Solid Design CAD delivers a suite of shop-tested design tools including 3D surfacing and solids.
Looking at OneCNC customers by industry, we find that Machinery (32%), Higher Education (10%) and Aviation & Aerospace (7%) are the largest segments.
37% of OneCNC customers are in United States, 32% are in United Kingdom and 7% are in Netherlands.
Of all the customers that are using OneCNC, 42% are small (<50 employees), 26% are medium-sized and 20% are large (>1000 employees).
Of all the customers that are using OneCNC, a majority (51%) are small (<$50M), 28% are large (>$1000M) and 8% are medium-sized.