We have data on 7,339 companies that use Libsyn. Libsyn is most often used by companies with 1-10 employees and 1M-10M dollars in revenue. Our data for Libsyn usage goes back as far as 4 years and 4 months.
If you’re interested in the companies that use Libsyn, you may want to check out VideoJS and Blackmagic Design as well.
Company | Accenture PLC |
Website | accenture.com |
Country | Ireland |
Revenue | >1000M |
Company Size | >10000 |
Company | iOFFICE |
Website | iofficecorp.com |
Country | United States |
Revenue | 50M-100M |
Company Size | 200-500 |
Company | Spotify Technology S.A |
Website | spotify.com |
Country | Sweden |
Revenue | >1000M |
Company Size | 5000-10000 |
Company | Amazon.com, Inc. |
Website | amazon.com |
Country | United States |
Revenue | >1000M |
Company Size | >10000 |
Company | Single Grain |
Website | singlegrain.com |
Country | United States |
Revenue | 1M-10M |
Company Size | 50-200 |
Company | Website | Country | Revenue | Company Size |
Accenture PLC | accenture.com | Ireland | >1000M | >10000 |
iOFFICE | iofficecorp.com | United States | 50M-100M | 200-500 |
Spotify Technology S.A | spotify.com | Sweden | >1000M | 5000-10000 |
Amazon.com, Inc. | amazon.com | United States | >1000M | >10000 |
Single Grain | singlegrain.com | United States | 1M-10M | 50-200 |
We use the best indexing techniques combined with advanced data science to monitor the market share of over 15,000 technology products, including Video Production & Publishing. By scanning billions of public documents, we are able to collect deep insights on every company, with over 100 data fields per company at an average. In the Video Production & Publishing category, Libsyn has a market share of about 2.3%. Other major and competing products in this category include:
Libsyn is a Podcast hosting, distribution and monetization platform that offers podcast publishing tools and custom HTML5 media player. It is multi-media compatible and provides car mode ready application that displays large playback controls, custom audience experience that allows continuous playback, auto-download, skip ahead, repeat, sleep timer and speed settings.
45% of Libsyn customers are in United States.
Of all the customers that are using Libsyn, a majority (62%) are small (<50 employees), 15% are large (>1000 employees) and 21% are medium-sized.
Of all the customers that are using Libsyn, a majority (63%) are small (<$50M), 18% are large (>$1000M) and 9% are medium-sized.