We have data on 171,028 companies that use DMARC. DMARC is most often used by companies with 1-10 employees and 1M-10M dollars in revenue. Our data for DMARC usage goes back as far as 4 years and 2 months.
Company | Mohawk Industries, Inc. |
Website | mohawkind.com |
Country | United States |
Revenue | >1000M |
Company Size | >10000 |
Company | Ambry Genetics |
Website | ambrygen.com |
Country | United States |
Revenue | 100M-200M |
Company Size | 500-1000 |
Company | Ignite Visibility |
Website | ignitevisibility.com |
Country | United States |
Revenue | 10M-50M |
Company Size | 200-500 |
Company | Guru |
Website | getguru.com |
Country | United States |
Revenue | 50M-100M |
Company Size | 500-1000 |
Company | Front Inc |
Website | frontinc.com |
Country | United States |
Revenue | 10M-50M |
Company Size | 10-50 |
Company | Website | Country | Revenue | Company Size |
Mohawk Industries, Inc. | mohawkind.com | United States | >1000M | >10000 |
Ambry Genetics | ambrygen.com | United States | 100M-200M | 500-1000 |
Ignite Visibility | ignitevisibility.com | United States | 10M-50M | 200-500 |
Guru | getguru.com | United States | 50M-100M | 500-1000 |
Front Inc | frontinc.com | United States | 10M-50M | 10-50 |
We use the best indexing techniques combined with advanced data science to monitor the market share of over 15,000 technology products, including Software Frameworks. By scanning billions of public documents, we are able to collect deep insights on every company, with over 100 data fields per company at an average. In the Software Frameworks category, DMARC has a market share of about 1.0%. Other major and competing products in this category include:
DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) is an email authentication, policy and reporting protocol. It builds on the widely deployed SPF and DKIM protocols, adding linkage to the author domain name, published policies for recipient handling of authentication failures and reporting from receivers to senders, improve and monitor protection of the domain from fraudulent email.
27% of DMARC customers are in United States, 7% are in United Kingdom and 5% are in France.
Of all the customers that are using DMARC, a majority (65%) are small (<50 employees), 10% are large (>1000 employees) and 24% are medium-sized.
Of all the customers that are using DMARC, a majority (71%) are small (<$50M), 7% are large (>$1000M) and 15% are medium-sized.