Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of computer science, artificial intelligence and computational linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages, and, in particular, concerned with programming computers to fruitfully process large natural language corpora. Challenges in natural language processing frequently involve natural language understanding, natural language generation (frequently from formal, machine-readable logical forms), connecting language and machine perception, dialog systems, or some combination thereof.
At enlyft, we use sophisticated, patent-pending algorithms to track the use of various Natural Language Processing (NLP) products and technologies. We track 35 products in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) category, and have found 432,504 companies using these products.
Product |
Install base
# of companies we found using this product |
Market Share |
Google Translate API | 427,691 | 98% |
MXNet | 1,854 | < 5% |
Apache OpenNLP | 459 | < 5% |
Amazon Comprehend | 424 | < 5% |
TextBlob | 408 | < 5% |
Deeplearning4j | 248 | < 5% |
Microsoft LUIS | 228 | < 5% |
GitHub Copilot | 165 | < 5% |
FuzzyWuzzy | 163 | < 5% |
Stanford CoreNLP | 147 | < 5% |
NLTK | 93 | < 5% |
LingPipe | 76 | < 5% |
IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding | 54 | < 5% |
Synthesys | 53 | < 5% |
Apache cTAKES | 47 | < 5% |
Unbabel | 42 | < 5% |
Diffbot | 42 | < 5% |
Docsvault | 31 | < 5% |
spaCy | 31 | < 5% |
textacy | 26 | < 5% |
Google Cloud Natural Language API | 24 | < 5% |
IBM Watson Tone Analyzer | 21 | < 5% |
Bing Spell Check API | 21 | < 5% |
IBM Watson Natural Language Classifier | 18 | < 5% |
nlpjs | 16 | < 5% |
IBM Watson Knowledge Studio | 15 | < 5% |
IBM Watson Text to Speech | 15 | < 5% |
KoNLPy | 15 | < 5% | | 14 | < 5% |
The Stanford Parser | 13 | < 5% |
Hypatos | 12 | < 5% |
Stanford Named Entity Recognizer | 11 | < 5% |
ChronoScan | 11 | < 5% |
NLP4J | 10 | < 5% |
MALLET | 6 | < 5% |