About San Rafael City Schools


San Rafael City Schools: Lifting student achievement. Every student. Every day. The San Rafael City Schools community ensures that every student receives an empowering education. High expectations and skillful individualized instruction enable each student to embrace their own learning, think critically and experience success. Our welcoming school climate ensures that our diverse community of students, families, staff and community members are treated with dignity and respect, creating opportunities for participation, engagement and support. Every student graduates college and/or career ready, able to take responsibility for a future that includes life-long learning. SRCS includes the San Rafael Elementary School District and the San Rafael High School District, with a total student population of nearly 7,000. The two districts are governed by one school board and one district office administration. The Elementary District is composed of nine schools: Bahia Vista, Coleman, Glenwood, Laurel Dell, San Pedro, Short and Sun Valley elementary; Venetia Valley K-8 School, and James B. Davidson Middle School. The High School District provides secondary education to students residing in two elementary districts: Dixie School District and San Rafael Elementary District. The High School District has two comprehensive 9-12 high schools: San Rafael High School and Terra Linda High School, and Madrone, a continuation high school.

Revenue : 50M-100M Industry : Primary/Secondary Education Location : United States Employees : 500-1000

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IT Footprint

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IT Spend

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Vendor Usage

San Rafael City Schools uses 5 different technologies from 31 different vendors. They have above average use of several technologies including Legal-X, Java and PayPal.

Product Categories

San Rafael City Schools uses products from 29 different product categories. They are particularly heavy users of products in Operating Systems, Academic Learning Management, and Software Frameworks.

Recently Detected Technologies

Enlyft tracks the use of over 15,000 technologies and has proprietary data on over 18 million companies worldwide.

Technology Category Vendor Usage
Legal-X Law Practice Management Bottomline Technologies (de), Inc.
Java Programming Languages Oracle
Windows 10 Operating Systems Microsoft Corporation
PayPal Online Payment PayPal
Zendesk Customer Service Management Zendesk, Inc.

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