About Bryan University


We believe in challenging the boundaries of traditional education and in liberating the innate greatness in people. Bryan graduates are prepared with the knowledge and practical, productive skills that lead directly to high demand professional careers. They are preferred by employers because they are dedicated, intelligent and immediately productive in the work place. Bryan enjoys a position within the higher education spectrum that is unique, respected, enviable and worthy of emulation. Our mission is a commitment to our students. And that commitment is all about students taking the high road to success. We like to think of this road as the Bryan University Pathway. Along this pathway students experience key drivers that impact their future: Vision, Focus, Acceleration and Triumph. The end result is a leadership education unlike any other. Clear Vision. At the forefront of our vision is the self-imposed requirement that students receive an evolutionary, experiential education that truly puts them in front of the line. We've developed specific strategies with innovative execution to bring this vision to life. Precise Focus. We've honed our focus to ensure the highest level of learning using interactive coaching environments. We are leading the evolution of higher education with state-of-the-art classrooms and facilities. Accelerate Learning. We deliver an accelerated learning environment via curricula that leads directly to high demand, practical, productive and well-paid skills. We're empowering students to learn according to their unique capacities and speed by focusing on individualized learning styles. Triumph Together. When our students succeed, we succeed. We're connecting students to a truly world-class faculty comprised of people who are leaders and pioneers in their fields. Bryan understands that we're all in this together. When the pathway is clear, success follows. From admissions through classroom learning and on to productive employment, it's our mission to provide students all the tools to navigate the pathway and achieve great success.

Revenue : 10M-50M Industry : Higher Education Location : United States Employees : 200-500

SaaS Adoption

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Cloud Adoption

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IT Footprint

IT Footprint gives a relative indication of how much IT services this company consumes.

IT Spend

IT Spend shows roughly how much this client spends on IT per year in USD.

Enlyft tracks the use of over 15,000 technologies and has proprietary data on over 18 million companies worldwide.

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Vendor Usage

Bryan University uses 5 different technologies from 60 different vendors. They have above average use of several technologies including Salesforce.com CRM, Zoom and Python.

Product Categories

Bryan University uses products from 54 different product categories. They are particularly heavy users of products in Academic Learning Management, Database Management System, and Unified Communications.

Recently Detected Technologies

Enlyft tracks the use of over 15,000 technologies and has proprietary data on over 18 million companies worldwide.

Technology Category Vendor Usage
Java Programming Languages Oracle
Windows 10 Operating Systems Microsoft Corporation
PayPal Online Payment PayPal
Zendesk Customer Service Management Zendesk, Inc.
Zipwhip Mobile Technologies Zipwhip, Inc

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