Somos una empresa 100% mexicana con más de 50 años de experiencia en el comercio detallista y presencia en más de 50 ciudades de la república, integrado por las tiendas departamentales Del Sol y Woolworth, las Boutiques Locura, y los restaurantes Noreste Grill y Café W. NUESTRA MISION La satisfacción de nuestros clientes superando sus expectativas de compra, que nos permita ser rentables e incrementar nuestra presencia a nivel nacional siendo una empresa ágil y sencilla en sus procesos, con capital humano en continuo desarrollo dentro de un ambiente agradable de trabajo. NUESTRA VISION CLIENTES Leales y satisfechos PERSONAL Motivado y comprometido RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL Ser una empresa receptiva al entorno EMPRESA EN CRECIMIENTO Crecimiento con rentabilidad ESTILO Empresa ágil y sencilla en sus procesos NUESTROS VALORES ORGANIZACIONALES Respeto Empatía Integridad Confianza Honestidad Humildad
SaaS Adoption
SaaS Adoption indicates the level of adoption by this company of software as a service services.
Cloud Adoption
Cloud Adoption indicates the level of adoption by this company of cloud services.
IT Footprint
IT Footprint gives a relative indication of how much IT services this company consumes.
IT Spend
IT Spend shows roughly how much this client spends on IT per year in USD.
Enlyft tracks the use of over 15,000 technologies and has proprietary data on over 18 million companies worldwide.
GRUPO COMERCIAL CONTROL uses 5 different technologies from 39 different vendors. They have above average use of several technologies including SAP HANA, SAP ERP Human Capital Management (HCM) and SAP ERP Central Component (ECC).
GRUPO COMERCIAL CONTROL uses products from 36 different product categories. They are particularly heavy users of products in Software Frameworks, Database Management System, and Backup Software.
Enlyft tracks the use of over 15,000 technologies and has proprietary data on over 18 million companies worldwide.
Technology | Category | Vendor | Usage |
Adobe XD | Software Development Tools | Adobe Inc | |
Adobe Creative Cloud | Graphics & Photo Editing | Adobe Inc | |
Figma | Software Development Tools | Figma Inc | |
Xamarin | Software Frameworks | Xamarin | |
Voxify | Contact Center Management | [24]7 |
What other companies use Adobe XD?
Who are the biggest users of Graphics & Photo Editing?
What countries, industries, and company sizes are most likely to use Figma?