About Aerospace Testing Alliance


Aerospace Testing Alliance (ATA), a joint venture of Jacobs Technology, PAE., and GP Strategies, provides operations, maintenance, information management and support services at the Air Force’s Arnold Engineering Development Complex, Arnold Air Force Base, TN. ATA employees about 1700 people. ATA supports the center with a wide range of services including: operational maintenance of a wide variety of unique aerospace test facilities and support systems, test utility operations and maintenance, information technology, desktop operation and maintenance, center communications, environmental, safety, industrial health and quality assurance, calibration, chemical and photo laboratories, civil engineering, transportation, materials management, fire protection, security services, emergency management, food services, custodial and public affairs. ATA employees at AEDC comprise 90% of the center’s work force and provides a variety of technical and administrative skills. The Air Force’s Arnold Engineering Development Complex is the most advanced and largest complex of flight simulation test facilities in the world. The complex operates 43 aerodynamic and propulsion wind tunnels, rocket and turbine engine test cells, space environmental chambers, arc heaters, ballistic ranges, and other specialized units. Many of the complex's test units have capabilities unmatched elsewhere in the United States; some are unique in the world.

Revenue : 200M-1000M Industry : Defense & Space Location : United States Employees : 200-500

SaaS Adoption

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Cloud Adoption

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IT Footprint

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IT Spend

IT Spend shows roughly how much this client spends on IT per year in USD.

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Vendor Usage

Aerospace Testing Alliance uses 5 different technologies from 37 different vendors. They have above average use of several technologies including Perl, Python and Thawte.

Product Categories

Aerospace Testing Alliance uses products from 36 different product categories. They are particularly heavy users of products in Computer-aided Design & Engineering, Operating Systems, and Programming Languages.

Recently Detected Technologies

Enlyft tracks the use of over 15,000 technologies and has proprietary data on over 18 million companies worldwide.

Technology Category Vendor Usage
Perl Programming Languages Perl
Python Programming Languages Python Software Foundation
Windows Server 2000 Operating Systems Microsoft Corporation
Voxify Contact Center Management [24]7
Thawte Network Security Thawte

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