About Saint Vincent College


For an enriching educational experience, personalized college life and opportunities to develop spiritually at one of nation’s leading colleges teaching in the Benedictine tradition, consider the Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Since the institution is dedicated to its Benedictine heritage, it allows students to develop themselves spiritually through its campus ministry programs. Plenty of liturgical celebrations, worship ceremonies and community service programs are available to those seeking total enrichment. Latrobe is full of cultural, historical and entertainment options. When you are not studying, you can check out the world-class and community exhibits at the Latrobe Art Center, attend a performance at the Palace Theatre or Greensburg Civic Theatre or even take a field trip to the historical areas of Fort Ligonier and Hanna’s Town. Saint Vincent offers a variety of academics in an array of disciplines. Whether you want to undergo pre-professional studies in Osteopathic Medicine or Occupational Therapy, refine your artistic skills in Studio Arts or Music or be on the cutting-edge of research in Bioinformatics, Chemistry or Computer and Information Science, there will be a program for you. If you want to take your education beyond the classroom, you should consider Saint Paul’s many study abroad programs, available in countries like Italy, Spain and England. To get started on your professional journey, you can apply to Saint Vincent by completing both a SV and Common Application with SV supplement. For additional admissions requirements, tuition costs and availability of financial aid, please contact the Saint Vincent College.

Revenue : 50M-100M Industry : Higher Education Location : United States Employees : 500-1000

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IT Footprint

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Vendor Usage

Saint Vincent College uses 5 different technologies from 49 different vendors. They have above average use of several technologies including Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe Photoshop and MathWorks.

Product Categories

Saint Vincent College uses products from 40 different product categories. They are particularly heavy users of products in Software Frameworks, Database Management System, and Operating Systems.

Recently Detected Technologies

Enlyft tracks the use of over 15,000 technologies and has proprietary data on over 18 million companies worldwide.

Technology Category Vendor Usage
SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) SAP
SAP Business One Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) SAP
Perl Programming Languages Perl
Windows XP Operating Systems Microsoft Corporation
Windows Server 2008 Operating Systems Microsoft Corporation

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