About Saint Mary's College


Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana, is an all-women’s Catholic residential college in the liberal arts tradition. The school was founded by the Sisters of the Holy Cross in 1844 and, to honor its faith background, promotes an environment of intellectual inquiry, religious sensibility and social responsibility. Many service opportunities are available to students looking to get involved and make a difference in local, national and international communities. The Office for Civic and Social Engagement works closely with campus ministry to promote outreach activities like alternative spring breaks and volunteering in the community. Student life is both inclusive and exciting. You can join one of many student clubs and organizations, which may be academically, multi-culturally, spiritually or recreationally oriented. The school also offers many opportunities to foster leadership and provide real-world experience to enhance the educational experience. Admissions favor students who have a history of academic excellence, extra-curricular activities, community service and leadership skills. Other requirements include a minimum score of 23-28 on the ACT and 510-620 on the SAT critical reading, math and writing portions. Academics include more than 30 majors in fields like art, biology, English, music, nursing and more. The school also offers study abroad programs. Financial aid is available to eligible students who have completed a FAFSA application through institutional scholarships, grants, loans or work-study programs.

Revenue : 10M-50M Industry : Higher Education Location : United States Employees : 500-1000

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Vendor Usage

Saint Mary's College uses 5 different technologies from 56 different vendors. They have above average use of several technologies including VMware vSphere, Oracle E-Business and GO1.

Product Categories

Saint Mary's College uses products from 47 different product categories. They are particularly heavy users of products in Operating Systems, Programming Languages, and Database Management System.

Recently Detected Technologies

Enlyft tracks the use of over 15,000 technologies and has proprietary data on over 18 million companies worldwide.

Technology Category Vendor Usage
VMware vSphere Virtualization Platforms VMware, Inc
Oracle E-Business Enterprise Applications Oracle
GO1 Enterprise Learning Management GO1
Java Programming Languages Oracle
Perl Programming Languages Perl

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