About Mansfield University of Pennsylvania


Mansfield University is dedicated to providing an environment that promotes academic and personal growth as well as intellectual, ethical, and aesthetic values. The University serves the region, state, national and international communities by developing human and material resources. The University is committed to stimulating continuous pursuit of knowledge and understanding by students, staff, and faculty. Mansfield is small - and big. Mansfield combines the best qualities of a small liberal arts college with the resources of a comprehensive university. With 3,500 students and 180 professors, Mansfield is one of the smallest state-owned universities in Pennsylvania. We also offer all of what's usually found at much larger universities: an impressive faculty of teacher-scholars, a wide range of courses and majors, career focused experiences, high tech equipment, and the latest facilities. As a Mansfield student, you'll have virtually unlimited access to everyone and everything that's here. Because we’re small, students get a lot of individual attention from faculty and staff. And we offer internships and real world experience in nearly every major. Nestled in beautiful north central Pennsylvania, Mansfield University is in the middle of somewhere special. The University is surrounded by thousands of acres of state land, lakes, and spectacular mountain views – including the nearby Pine Creek Gorge - Pennsylvania’s “Grand Canyon.” Our location is not the only thing that makes this place special…it’s our commitment to provide you with an environment in which you can find yourself, build on your strengths, and hone those leadership skills that will carry you for a lifetime. Want to make a difference in your world…are you looking to change the course of history? Then Mansfield may be the place for you.

Revenue : 10M-50M Industry : Higher Education Location : United States Employees : 500-1000

SaaS Adoption

SaaS Adoption indicates the level of adoption by this company of software as a service services.

Cloud Adoption

Cloud Adoption indicates the level of adoption by this company of cloud services.

IT Footprint

IT Footprint gives a relative indication of how much IT services this company consumes.

IT Spend

IT Spend shows roughly how much this client spends on IT per year in USD.

Enlyft tracks the use of over 15,000 technologies and has proprietary data on over 18 million companies worldwide.

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Vendor Usage

Mansfield University of Pennsylvania uses 5 different technologies from 56 different vendors. They have above average use of several technologies including VMware vCenter, VMware ESX and VMware vSphere Hypervisor.

Product Categories

Mansfield University of Pennsylvania uses products from 51 different product categories. They are particularly heavy users of products in Operating Systems, Programming Languages, and Database Management System.

Recently Detected Technologies

Enlyft tracks the use of over 15,000 technologies and has proprietary data on over 18 million companies worldwide.

Technology Category Vendor Usage
VMware vCenter Virtualization Management Software VMware, Inc
Microsoft Office 365 Office Productivity Microsoft Corporation
Java Programming Languages Oracle
Perl Programming Languages Perl
Python Programming Languages Python Software Foundation

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