
AGEFOS PME est le premier gestionnaire privé des fonds de la formation professionnelle en France. AGEFOS PME aide les entreprises à s’adapter, intégrer de nouvelles technologies, développer de nouvelles compétences par la mise en œuvre d’actions liées à la formation et à l’emploi. AGEFOS PME bénéficie d'un agrément des pouvoirs publics en tant qu’Organisme Paritaire Collecteur Agréé (OPCA) pour : simplifier la formation et l’emploi conseiller et informer les dirigeants sur l’ensemble des dispositifs dont ils peuvent bénéficier mutualiser les moyens disponibles au service de la formation des salariés de PME mobiliser des financements régionaux, nationaux et européens pour cofinancer l’investissement formation des PME

Revenue : 200M-1000M Industry : Professional Training & Coaching Location : France Employees : 1000-5000

SaaS Adoption

SaaS Adoption indicates the level of adoption by this company of software as a service services.

Cloud Adoption

Cloud Adoption indicates the level of adoption by this company of cloud services.

IT Footprint

IT Footprint gives a relative indication of how much IT services this company consumes.

IT Spend

IT Spend shows roughly how much this client spends on IT per year in USD.

Enlyft tracks the use of over 15,000 technologies and has proprietary data on over 18 million companies worldwide.

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Vendor Usage

AGEFOS PME uses 5 different technologies from 44 different vendors. They have above average use of several technologies including Java, Sybase PowerDesigner and TYPO3.

Product Categories

AGEFOS PME uses products from 46 different product categories. They are particularly heavy users of products in Software Frameworks, Database Management System, and Virtualization Platforms.

Recently Detected Technologies

Enlyft tracks the use of over 15,000 technologies and has proprietary data on over 18 million companies worldwide.

Technology Category Vendor Usage
Java Programming Languages Oracle
Sybase PowerDesigner Software Development Tools SAP
Windows XP Operating Systems Microsoft Corporation
TYPO3 Web Content Management TYPO3
VMware vSphere Virtualization Platforms VMware, Inc

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