Rethinking predictive selling solutions: Are you paying too much for too little?

August 12, 2024

In the pursuit of driving better outcomes in a complex, fast-paced world, B2B sales and marketing leaders are increasingly depending on predictive selling solutions to deliver valuable insights and enhance their teams’ targeting capabilities.

In fact, this AMS Review article highlights the pace at which predictive sales analytics is becoming a key player, saying: ‘Given the pervasive ubiquity of data, sales practice is moving rapidly into an era of predictive analytics, using quantitative methods, including machine learning algorithms, to reveal unknown information, such as customers’ personality, value, or churn probabilities.’

Interestingly, Enlyft’s recent 2024 Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Benchmark Survey has shed light on a concerning trend - organizations are reassessing their current solutions, contending that they are paying too much and not getting enough value in return.  

Download the eBook Unlock GTM Success Through Precision for more survey details

Organizations demand results to justify spend

Let's unpack these findings and explore the implications for B2B organizations that are taking advantage of the benefits on offer from predictive selling solutions.

According to the ABM survey, close to 50% of ZoomInfo customers expressed dissatisfaction with their current B2B database solution, citing concerns about overpayment. This finding underscores a growing sentiment among businesses that the cost of such solutions may outweigh their perceived value.  

As companies strive to optimize their operational costs and maximize ROI, this dissatisfaction with pricing raises questions about the sustainability of existing contracts and the need for more high-performing, cost-effective B2B alternatives.

Secondly, the survey revealed that a staggering 87% of respondents are open to the idea of switching from ZoomInfo to a different solution. This high percentage indicates a significant level of frustration and discontent with the current status quo.  

Organizations are increasingly seeking alternatives that offer better value, advanced features, and enhanced performance. This growing willingness to explore new options highlights the need for predictive selling solution providers to address these concerns promptly and proactively.

Thirdly, the survey is related to the challenges faced by companies using the ABM platform, 6Sense. Nearly half of the respondents reported difficulties with their teams' adoption of the platform, potentially pointing to a critical gap in user engagement and proficiency.  

While predictive analytics tools hold great potential for driving targeted marketing strategies and boosting sales efforts, a disconnect between the platform's capabilities and the users' ability to leverage them effectively can sound the death knell for successful utilization and return on investment.

5 key factors when evaluating alternative predictive platforms

In light of these survey findings, organizations appear to be at a crossroads, grappling with the decision to continue with their current predictive selling solutions or seek alternatives that offer better value and improved user experiences.  

To navigate this landscape effectively, organizations must consider several key factors when reassessing their predictive selling solutions:

  • Solution’s value
    Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of existing solutions compared to the value they deliver. Look for providers that offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality and functionality.
  • User adoption and training
    Address challenges related to user adoption by investing in comprehensive training programs and support resources. Empower your teams to maximize the potential of predictive analytics tools and drive better results.
  • Scalability and flexibility
    Seek solutions that can scale alongside your business growth and adapt to evolving market dynamics. Look for platforms that offer flexibility, customization options, and seamless integration with existing systems.
  • Customer support and engagement
    Prioritize providers that offer responsive customer support, ongoing guidance, and proactive engagement to ensure that your organization derives maximum value from the solution.
  • Return on investment (ROI)
    Conduct regular assessments to measure the ROI generated by your predictive selling solutions. Identify key performance indicators, track results over time, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your investment.

In summary, it appears there is a pressing need for organizations to reassess their predictive selling solutions. Exploring alternative options that better align with their strategic objectives could help teams to address concerns about pricing, user adoption, and value delivery.  

By taking a proactive approach to optimizing their predictive analytics tools, businesses can drive greater efficiency, enhance customer engagement, and unlock new opportunities for growth in a marketplace where the stakes are constantly rising.

If you’re curious to learn more about how sales and marketing leaders view the current state of ABM, download this eBook based on Enlyft’s 2024 ABM Benchmark Survey, Unlock GTM Success Through Precision, for valuable insights:

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