Crack the ABM code to target key accounts effectively

With the acceleration of GenAI, how should go-to-market (GTM) teams think about their ABM journey over the next 12 to 24 months?  

Based on a survey conducted by Enlyft, this eBook reveals key trends and pain points impacting ABM strategies today, and offers valuable insights for GTM teams.

Key takeaways from the eBook:

  • Understand the untapped potential of ABM and the need for optimized strategies and resources
  • Learn about the impact of generative AI (GenAI) on sales and marketing teams and why it's crucial for organizations to bridge the gap in its usage and support
  • Prioritize targets for ABM success by refining ideal customer profiles (ICPs) and understanding account scoring

Download our eBook now to unlock success through precision in your GTM strategies and drive growth and innovation in your business.

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